
Students 和 faculty were immersed in research, internships 和 special projects this past summer

“没有铅笔了。, no more books” is intertwined with the childhood feeling of freedom that is summer vacation. For adults summertime blends into the work year 和 for many college students it is a chance to work extra hours or visit family. 但对于许多CMU的学生和教师来说,这是扩展他们知识的时候, delve deeper into research interests 和 set themselves up for success in the future.



在今年五月最后一周的课上, Associate Professor of Art Eli Hall received a call offering graphic design students an opportunity to work on a “real-world” project. 玛氏酒店集团, CMU在马华力酒店的合伙人, 出价3美元,为酒店的标志设计获选的学生提供1万英镑的奖学金, 餐厅和咖啡厅. 校园教学酒店计划于2020年春季开业.

大多数学生已经离开去过暑假了, 但霍尔知道有三个才华横溢的学生正在城里度暑假, 所以他就这个项目联系了他们.

当高年级学生凯西·福特曼和洛根·瓦格纳, 和二年级学生本杰明·哈弗一起审查了马尔斯的项目简介, they made a surprising decision — instead of competing against each other they would tackle the challenge together.

“我们知道我们在一起会创作出更好的作品,”哈弗说. “我们每个人都有自己的设计, 我们讨论过, 互相提问,提出建议.”

五周的设计过程包括向其他设计师进行多次演示, 霍尔和CMU校长蒂姆·福斯特. 每次演讲之后都有修改和完善. On 小君e 25, the students formally presented their designs to the client, Mars Hospitality.

“这是这些学生参加过的风险最高的会议,霍尔说。, 这是我见过的最好的学生演讲.” The Mars group was impressed, too, 和 increased the total scholarship fund by $2,000.


The three split the scholarship, but beyond that, Haver said he learned practical lessons.

凯西和洛根都比我大一年级. They helped me the most in building the presentation 和 presenting the work,” Haver said.

但设计被选中后,工作并没有结束. 酒店, 餐厅和咖啡店的标志将被用于标识, 商品及附属材料. 使设计适应新的格式和配置将需要额外的工作. 学生将继续参与,并将获得额外工作的报酬.

“我的教室正对着酒店,”霍尔说. “每周有四五天,我们会去看那栋楼.”


CMU学生可以通过多种方式实习, 据该校学术事务副校长库尔特·哈斯介绍, 博士学位. Sometimes an employer who has hired CMU graduates approaches the school with an idea for an internship or often a faculty member, 学生和雇主共同构建实习.

通过CMU的就业服务, 学生也可以使用H和shake, an online resource that connects students with employers for internships 和 permanent jobs.

朱莉娅·布雷姆纳(Julia Bremner)不会把她的家人形容为体育爱好者, 但她最美好的回忆是和父亲一起看体育比赛.

Bremner, 在大章克森高中打排球和越野跑, 没想到她真的能在港口工作. But the senior majoring in business administration 和 hospitality management said she changed her thinking when she attended her first NFL game.

She got a behind-the-scenes look 和 saw a bit of the business side at a Broncos game. “这看起来像是一份理想的工作,”她说. “我开始研究体育管理.大二时,她选修了体育管理这门辅修课.

“我申请了全国各地的实习机会,”她说. “后来我才知道大结落基山的实习机会.她和其他八名CMU学生一起申请并获得了实习机会, 谁从6月3日开始到9月3日每场主场比赛都在工作.

“You don’t realize how much goes on behind the scenes to get ready for a game,” Bremner said. 她的职责包括管理比赛日的员工, 准备售票, 制作游戏内的公告和协助现场娱乐.

She picked up skills that can’t be learned in a classroom: how to work in a fast-paced environment, coming up with quick solutions to customer issues 和 problem-solving when there’s no boss to consult.

Bremner learned she would love to work for the Gr和 小君ction Rockies after graduation, 科罗拉多落基山脉或任何更广阔的体育世界. 她鼓励同学们去实习.

Computer information systems senior Macy Webb-Alex和er has spent most of her life in western Colorado. She thought she’d like to move to Denver after graduation so what better test run than to complete a 10-week internship with Charter Communications, 是Spectrum的电信部门, 在丹佛?

“我学到了很多关于电信行业的知识,”她说。, 和 although that industry is quickly changing 和 may not be where she will place her focus after graduation, the opportunity allowed her to absorb big-picture truths about working in a large organization.

She knows she made valuable contacts 和 had the opportunity to impress with her skills. 也许最重要的是,韦伯-亚历山大给自己留下了深刻印象. “这次实习让我知道我已经学到了很多. I used to think I wasn’t prepared, I wasn’t ready, but I was able to keep up with everyone.”


For six weeks this past summer sophomore Nathan Mauser explored the possibility of a future focused on the past. 作为考古项目暑期实地学校的一名参与者, 他发现这段经历常常发人深省, 有时很累,但绝对很有趣.

The applied anthropology 和 geography major has taken several archeology classes 和 is considering it as a minor. So when the opportunity to spend part of the summer doing actual field archeology presented itself, 毛瑟说.

Curtis Martin领导, 考古学讲师, the 2019 field school of four students 和 two Golden Scholars (a program that allows community members 60 和 older to audit CMU classes) worked in four sites throughout Mesa County.

The Bureau of L和 Management (BLM) contacts CMU when possible ancient sites come to their attention. 这些地点需要仔细检查和记录. 今年的一个项目是在麦金尼斯峡谷国家保护区, a 123,梅萨县400英亩的土地, 大汇合处以西.

“我们的工作是减轻对热特性的影响, 主要是firepits, 已经被曝光,”马丁说。. 小路上的交通, 主要是步行和骑马, 挖掘更深的土壤和暴露(古老的)壁炉.”

The first clue an ancient firepit lies below the surface is usually black streaks of charcoal, 燃烧的木头, 在土壤中. Evidence found in 和 around ancient firepits can help archeologists attempt to answer hundreds of questions. 人们在这个地方呆了多久? 他们什么时候来的? 他们从哪里来,又要去哪里? 有多少人在这里? 他们在这里的时候做了什么?

实地工作可以打破学生之间的隔阂, 学生和教授之间的关系, 建立信心, 马丁说. “我看到内森(毛瑟)适应了一个安静的监管角色, 看着他做决定, 成为一名船长.”

毛瑟还列举了在这一领域学到的一些人生经验. “没有什么比教科书更完美的了. 你要学会顺势而为,循证前行.”


For nearly 20 years, summer has been the season of extraordinary piano music for Arthur Houle, DMA. He’s not listening to famous artists or honing virtuoso technique instead he is listening to piano music that is not perfect.

The venue is the annual Festival for Creative Pianists, a piano competition started by Houle in 2001. The festival came with him from Boise, Idaho, when he joined the CMU music faculty in 2006. 在大小君ction举办了几年后,这个夏季音乐节搬到了丹佛. He serves as artistic director 和 one of three festival directors who h和le the event details.

“We encourage students of all experience 和 performance levels to participate,” Houle said. 他们必须在比赛开始时年满19岁, 今年是6月5日, 并成为第一批在网上注册的40人之一. 2020年的比赛将扩大到50名选手.

霍勒参加了更多传统的钢琴比赛, 但他被他所谓的“二等奖综合症”所困扰.”

他想要一个鼓励学生而不是打击学生的活动. “我们在40个不同的领域颁发了40个一等奖,”他说.

这不是一个只有古典音乐的比赛. 学生们被鼓励演奏任何他们喜欢的音乐. “我们想告诉大家,卓越有多种形式.”

Houle wanted to design a festival that also addressed a wrong turn he feels music education has taken. “我们被教导说,纸上的东西就是你演奏的东西, 和, 当然, 有些时候这样做是合适的,他说. 但许多古典作曲家写了变体, 不同的演奏方式, 即兴表演是需要的.

不足为奇的是, 创意钢琴家节鼓励参赛者发挥创意, 来修饰, 即兴创作按作曲家的风格即兴创作. Above all, Houle wants to encourage young pianists to continue to learn 和 play 和 have fun. 它似乎起作用了, 正如一位年轻选手告诉他的那样, “终于, 一个真正喜庆的节日!”

The fall 2019 semester is well underway but the lessons 和 experiences from this past summer continue to influence students 和 faculty members educational 和 professional paths. •


黛博拉·道斯(Deborah Dawes)撰写