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Tim Foster Announces Plans to Retire as CMU President

他的任期长达17年,见证了校园学术产品和物理足迹的巨大变化. Trustees prepare for a national search for next president.

校长蒂姆·福斯特于2004年3月执掌pp电子极速糖果 announced today his intention to retire as president effective June 30, 2021.

福斯特的任期标志着该机构戏剧性的演变时期. These changes included vastly broadening student access, enrollment, retention and graduation rates; formally creating a community college division, growing/restructuring baccalaureate offerings, and adding graduate programs to meet regional employment needs; rebranding and renaming the institution; more than quadrupling the campus' square footage; tripling the operating budget; and dramatically growing fundraising and the foundation's endowment.

Under the leadership of Foster, CMU转型为一所具有竞争力的学士学位公立大学,覆盖了更广阔的落基山脉和中西部平原地区.

“福斯特校长是一位伟大的梦想家,他还拥有能够实现这一愿景的罕见品质. He created a world-class campus, retained and recruited incredible faculty, and hired and grew an impressive administrative team," said Trustee Ray Anilionis, chair of CMU's board of trustees.

也许和实现他对CMU的不可思议的愿景一样值得注意, Foster is one of the humblest people I know, 谁很少邀功,总是在他周围的团队发光," Anilionis added.

Today, 超过29%的CMU学生来自传统上代表性不足的群体,是2004年入学人数的三倍多. Among those are student leaders, 包括受托人杰奎琳·科尔多瓦和ASG主席安吉尔·鲍蒂斯塔.


“福斯特校长的领导让我们保持开放,让我在挑战中继续体验传统的大学生活. 这种卓越的领导能力为他为我这样的学生服务画上了完美的句号,我很高兴今年能在他身边工作."

Foster also worked alongside academic leadership and the faculty, 在他任职期间重组了CMU的学术课程,使毕业生在职场更具竞争力.

"In a few short years during our centennial celebration, 当人们回顾这个机构的历史时,远远超出了这个范围, 想到CMU,就不能不看到蒂姆·福斯特在各个方面的表现. 他留下了不可磨灭的印记,”政治学教授蒂姆·凯西博士说.

"He is a visionary. Love him or hate him, he had a vision and he followed through on it. While we haven't been without disagreements, 他总是愿意听取一个问题的各方意见,他认识到需要各方的意见才能形成一个社区. 有些人可能不喜欢他对细节的关注——这是大多数总统都不喜欢的——但从学术到设施, 正是他愿意卷起袖子,深入细节,才产生了影响," Casey said.

"At the end of the day, CMU is a healthier campus, and the community is better off because of his efforts," Casey added.

福斯特宣布这一消息之际,该校正准备发布最新的《pp电子极速糖果》, 哪些文件记录了CMU对科罗拉多西部经济的深远影响. This study estimates that in FY 2019-20, 该大学负责为该地区经济直接注入超过2.69亿美元, 如果考虑间接支出,总经济影响为5.39亿美元.

“很少有人有机会塑造和塑造一个社区,并对他们成长的社区产生如此积极的影响, but President Foster has served Grand Junction all of his life," said Casey.

Beyond the numbers, 即将发布的报告更具体地详细介绍了CMU自2004年以来的演变.

“有时候我们听说大学是城中之城,”福斯特说. "I believe that when it comes to CMU, we are not apart from the community but are a part of the community. CMU与区域经济的联系为多元化发展奠定了基础, strong and vibrant economy in the coming decades. 我很自豪能成为CMU近一个世纪以来加强科罗拉多西部的历史的一部分."

该报告进一步详细介绍了CMU自2004年以来所经历的转变, 为2025年的百年庆典做准备,并开始规划为科罗拉多州服务的下一个世纪. The adaptations of the past include broadening student access and diversifying enrollments; preparing graduates for the 21st century workplace; engaging and supporting students; transitioning revenue streams and controlling costs; rebuilding the campuses; investing in technology; and expanding community outreach. The report will be published in February.

"I will never forget the day we hired Tim Foster at CMU,长期社区慈善家、前CMU董事莉娜·埃利奥特说.

"That was the day that CMU's transformation began. Truth be known, 我从小就认识蒂姆,CMU也把他变成了现在的国家领导人. 能成为这一遗产的一部分,我感到无比自豪。”艾略特补充道.

A native of Grand Junction, Colorado, Foster earned a BA in economics with honors from Kenyon College, 在科罗拉多矿业学院完成了矿产经济学硕士学位的研究生课程, earned a JD from the University of Denver - College of Law, served as a state representative and house majority leader and, later, 担任科罗拉多州高等教育委员会的执行主任. 他已婚,是四个儿子的父亲,酷爱自行车、滑雪、游泳、足球和教练.

大学董事会现在开始在全国范围内寻找CMU的下一任校长. 将建立一个网站,让大学社区和其他利益相关者了解总统竞选过程的最新情况.
